Peer Empowerment Programme for Achievement of Migrant Women
PEPA is a project aimed at training migrant women by enabling them to support other women in science and community activities as well as volunteering in their community. Apart from the fact that the project will benefit all migrant women, it is aimed especially at those who have lower education, income, are socially isolated or live in unfavorable conditions.
Implementation period: October 1, 2020 – October 31, 2022
- Increase the quantity and quality of mutual support and assistance opportunities for migrant women.
- To develop apprentices’ abilities and create more opportunities for migrant women, the long-term PEPA project will foster better communication and dissemination of knowledge between units and agencies working in this area.
- Women from immigrant and ethnic minority backgrounds
- Migrant and gender organizations / voluntary / statutory organizations
- Trainers, practitioners, teachers, volunteers and helpers
- Partner organizations and their staff
- Decision makers and other stakeholders
As part of the project, we will develop a practical guide for apprentices supporting migrant women who will be able to use it themselves and a collection of training materials placed on the digital platform.